Reface Dental


T-40, Phase-2, Pallavpuram,
Near Chauhan Market.
Meerut 250001,

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Online Consultation

During this pandemic situation dental emergency related to oral problems can occur. The Problem is we cannot go out due to Covid. But on the other hand consulting a dentist is also very important otherwise a small problem may occur into a big problem. So there is a very simple solution to this we can call our dentist and discuss about the problem on call only. If the dentist is able to solve it with verbal discussion then it’s good but what if he is not able to resolve it verbally. In that case we can connect with our dentist through various platforms of video call.


Benefits of Online Dental Consultation:

  • Answer to all your dental questions on fingertips
  • Trusted advice from trained and licensed dentist
  • Expert dental consultation from the comfort of your home
  • Saves your precious family time.
  • One to One virtual dental consultation in India, the way you want it

Online Consultation in India is a unique platform where you can get answers of all your dental queries.

Importance of Maintaining Oral Hygiene during Covid times

Normally the body’s natural defenses and good oral health care, such as daily brushing and flossing, keep bacteria under control. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Oral hygiene is an integral part of personal hygiene practices and should not be neglected. During this Covid situation only the mask will not protect you. While it is necessary to follow rigorous oral hygiene procedures, it is also essential to keep our toothbrushes clean and free of infection, regularly.

Tooth decay in the form of cavities (also called caries) is the most common disease. It is mostly preventable. But once tooth decay begins, it will get worse. Dentists were not able to see patients at the beginning of the pandemic except for emergencies. When they began re-opening with new schedules, it may have become more difficult to get an appointment. Its better we maintain oral hygiene and take online consultation from our dentists on regular basis.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene for Covid Recovered Patients

First and foremost, one should wash hands with soap and water, or sanitize with ABHR before touching the toothbrush. COVID-19 recovered patients should have personal oral hygiene products that include a new soft toothbrush, toothpaste, and a mouthwash/gargle that should be discarded after the condition is improved. They should store their oral health products separately and disinfect their brush regularly. Powered toothbrushes and water-pik/oral irrigators may have the potential to produce more aerosols than manual toothbrushes and should be avoided. There is a need to develop professionally driven need-based standard oral hygiene programs (e.g., soft triple head toothbrushes, and associated suction toothbrushes).

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