Reface Dental


T-40, Phase-2, Pallavpuram,
Near Chauhan Market.
Meerut 250001,

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Advanced Implantology

Advanced Implantology at Dr. Gaurav Dhaka’s Dental Clinic

We solve each of our cases with strategic implantology or increase function implantology in which we work on the principle of zero cantilevers, we rescue the job everybody gives up.

The methods used in advanced implantology (immediate function implantology) are –

Inferior Alveolar Nerve Bypass

The inferior alveolar nerve supplies feeling to your lower teeth. It’s a branch of the mandibular nerve, which itself branches off from the trigeminal nerve. It’s sometimes called the inferior dental nerve. Additionally, damage to the mandibular or trigeminal nerves impacts the function of the inferior alveolar nerve. Symptoms of damage to the inferior alveolar nerve include pain, abnormal sensations, and/or numbness in the chin, lower lip, or around the lower teeth.

Zygomatic implants

Zygoma implants (or zygomatic implants) are different from conventional dental implants in that they anchor into the zygomatic bone (cheekbone) rather than the maxilla (upper jaw). They may be used when maxillary bone quality or quantity is inadequate for the placement of regular dental implants.

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